test Association Name * Property Address * Your Name * E-Mail Address Mailing Address (Street) Telephone Number(s) City State Zip Code Board Member Office —Please choose an option—PresidentVice PresidentChairMember Type of Service Requested —Please choose an option—Full MaintenanceRent Collection and EvictionRent IncreasesBookkeepingRecordsResident ScreeningOccupancy Assessment Collection Method —Please choose an option—Monthly Billing Are Meetings Held At Night? YesNo Number of Board Members 1234567891011121314151617181920 Type of Property —Please choose an option—CondominiumApartmentTown HomeOther How Often? —Please choose an option—MonthlyBi-monthlyQuarterlyBi-annuallyYearly Number of Units Monthly Assessment Amount Are there currently any special assessments in effect at this association?YesNo Is there currently any litigation in progress or pending at this association? YesNo Is this association currently managed by a management company? YesNo Please tell us about the common area amenities in your community - check all that apply Pool(s)Spa(s)ClubhousePlaygroundsLakes/FountainsTennis CourtsEntry GatesUnderground ParkingAttached GaragesFire Sprinklers In UnitsGarbage DumpstersCommon WaterCommon ElectricityCommon GasCommon Cable TV Please tell us why you are currently seeking bids for new management. [form service-request] Resident Name * Address * Apartment/Unit Number Contact Phone Number* E-Mail Address Do you have pets in the unit? YesNo Special Instructions if you have pets Do we have permission to enter your unit? YesNo Location of Problem * Description of Problem